vision boards !!!

It’s December aka vision board season!! I see vision boards all over my feed and endless tutorials that can help you properly make one. Social media is amazing in that regard for the infinite knowledge that people can share & receive.

If you’re inspired and want to make one, first, let’s talk about why vision boards are helpful. I notice that a lot of people end up thinking of their dreams or staying in a state of wanting to achieve their goals. This can perpetuate the state of waiting and wishing rather than living. Vision boards (visualizing in general) helps us actually stay in the state of already achieving and receiving our desires. With at though, comes a perspective shift that we can all struggle with: accepting that you are already there. I know I struggle seeing that maybe I am doing a good job or accepting how far I truly have come. When you become so addicted to the external validation of you being on the “right” path, you can feel really unfulfilled even if your desires are right at your door. In fact, you may not even be able to recognize your desires at all.

Therefore, it is extremely important to pair your vision board creation with feelings of gratitude. Before you sit down and make your vision board you will need to do the following:

  • grab your notebook, pen & laptop

  • write out 3 areas of life you wanto improve

  • write out your goals for those areas of life

  • write the steps you will need to take to make those goals happen

  • get on your computer & find images that correspond with either the step or the overall goal - you will need to print these photos

I like to make my vision boards every 3-4 months. So right now, I have made my vision board for now through the end of April - this is because I am getting married in May and will probably want to make a new one in my new apartment with my husband!!

So now that you have your materials, here is what you will need to create the best vision board making experience…

  • a calm space

  • notebook & pen

  • a poster board

  • sharpie / construction paper / glitter (whatever fun arts & crafts stuff you have lying around)

  • your photos

  • glue stick / tape

  • a friend / loved one / partner (optional)

Start with expressing gratitude for all that you have now. Then go through the list you made and start mapping out how you want to place your photos. I like to have a general scheme or methodology of how I stick the photos on my board but you can do whatever feels best for you. Then as you glue/tape each photo down, really feel the emotions of having that thing. “I am so happy & grateful now that I have ____” is the general energy we want to carry throughout this experience. After you glue down your photos, take a step back and honor the moment. You have come so far and it’s important to remind yourself of that. Then find a place where you will see your visions day in and day out. I have it above my desk to remind me of why I sit down at my desk each and everyday.

Lastly, ENJOY! I always struggle remembering that life is supposed to be fun! It really is, so enjoy life, enjoy this fun experience and be grateful. We can do whatever we set our mind towards.

I love you


Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri


i’ve been 25 years old for a week…